Sunday, 27 December 2009

跳出去 ● SECRET

最近跟家人去Brem mall看了一部电影,《跳出去》。


一部有关梦想的戏,看时还蛮激励人心的 (但那还得看是对谁,感情丰富的人或许还会看出泪来呢。)

“梦想并不容易实现, 要放弃梦想很容易,但只要坚持和相信,没什么事情是做不到的。” 












Friday, 18 December 2009

Always hear people say 'Happiness spreads'. But perhaps, sadness spreads even faster...

A friend 'sensed' my sadness online. Cant believe it's true.

It is a mistake I have been committing every now and then. It seems like I haven't learnt from past mistakes. Perhaps, sub-consciously, I don't reckon it as a mistake. So I haven't change. And I have yet to know I will change, or not.

I think the so-called mistake is a bit exaggerated by certain quarters. But what to do, I have to follow. I do think it's no very big deal.

It does happen to us occasionally, just don't make it a frequent happening. (just ignore this line, you probably can't get it)

I was labelled 'xxxxxx'. Called 'xxxxxx'.

And it does make my heart ache.

Anyway, I will consider again. Ponder on my so-called mistake. Perhaps, change a bit.

Still in a bewildering mode.

And that's why I blog. Coz blogging is a very good outlet to express your feelings.

Bad mood go away!

I guess it will heal very fast.

PS: Pls don't think you are the one mentioned in this blog post. Coz the people involved doesn't even know my blog. Ganbatte!!

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Graduating from KB for the 2nd time

This is the second time I graduated from SMK Kepong Baru.

During graduation day, I cried.

Mr Ong said before, "The constants in life change."  And our Form 6 representative during graduation day, Jonathan, quoted him. He's right. Things change. And I hope it's for the better. What Jon said touched me, I guess. But I do hope the friendship that has lasted so long remains.

I hope in future, we still talk, joke, play and get together as one like we used to do in these 2 years.

I made my last MUET presentation about Love of God and friendship. I remember saying this in the presentation: Mr Tiong (our MUET teacher) said there's no absolute truth on earth. But he is partly right. There's no absolute truth except in the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

No doubt, I think friendship made in Form 6 is very great. We experienced things together. We helped each other during the climb uphill in Bukit Larut, and overcame our scare together. We believed in hopes together in times of despair and eventually we saw lights in the dark. We did overcome obstacles after obstacles together.

I ain't sure why but I do have many feelings for Form 6. I did feel reluctant having to part with a big group of friends, not only friends of 6A1, but also others including juniors, teachers and every one I know in KB.

During the day before graduation, the 6A1 students didn't have the mood to study. We chatted about weddings and wrote our email address and contact number on the board. We promised to keep in touch with each other. Please remember the promise, my friends.

We said we will give RM 500 as angpau for the first who gets married. Hopefully I won't break this promise, because being able to give an angpau of RM500 means you are rich! Or perhaps, I am the one receiving angpaus of RM500.

More importantly, we said we will invite our classmates for our wedding. Do remember this promise too!

We may not meet each other every day, like we used to. But this doesn't mean the friendship is fading away. It's not seeing friends that matters in keeping friendship alive, it's remembering friends in our heart that counts.

Sign up for facebook and join the group "SMK KEPONG BARU 2009 Graduating Class, 6A1"! 

Keep In Touch!

A whole new chapter

STPM is finally over. And I have been going online these few days. Right on the day STPM becomes a past, I signed up for Facebook. Guess what, within two days or so, I already have more than 160 friends. hahaha... fast and efficient ma...

The day we finished our exam, we went for karaoke session at Low Yat. Wow, I think it's the first time I could really hear my voice in the midst of voices. Previously, my singing was usually covered by the 'more dominant' high-pitched voice. I think some of you know who I mean. lol. Well, I guess we made the right choice singing in another room.

I came across a very nice song during the karaoke session. In fact I think I have listened to it without knowing the title. It's "Truly, Madly, Deeply". A very sentimental, romantic song which can even be played in wedding dinner. I think Sin Yee loves this song very much. She purposely 'jumped' the song to the first in the song list so that she could sing it before going back. Can't believe she loves to sing that song so much. Thought she's only in love with Ethan. haha....

Before exam's over, I watched a Taiwanese drama (仙剑奇侠传). During the last episode, I somehow had got mixed feelings. I was thinking that every story has an ending. And life is actually a combination of different stories at different stages. Now that STPM is done, life in Form 6 becomes a history in my life.

A whole new chapter of life has now unfolded.

And I will strive my best, be a better person and accomplish my dreams in this new chapter!

Old dramas can be broadcast again upon popular demand. But stories in life doesn't probably happen again. It's highly unlikely that the class of 6A1 can be together studying Form 6 again in SMKB.However, all the moments in life can be savoured over and over again. It just depends on you.

It's the stories in SMKB that has ended, but absolutely not our friendship. 

PS: Please see the next post. It's a continuation.