Monday 27 October 2008

This Thing Called L-O-V-E

Besides our family and relatives, there must be someone who means so much to us. That is someone special to us. The Chinese have this saying as "They are our the other half."

Love is all based on the feelings....


deals with the heart...

It's like seeing rays of light in darkness when LOVE strikes

There are many girls out there,

good, nice and pretty ones....

But we will know when it's her

When the eyes meet the eyes,
when the heart beats extraordinarily faster and pumps unusually stronger,
when the body sweat unusually,
when we have much to say, yet we turn speechless,
when we want to see her face every seconds....

That's when love comes.

When love comes, we get unusually happy.....

When love comes, we feel nourished.....

When love comes, we feel on top of the world.....

When love comes, we feel that the world is ours....

Once you have found your Miss Right....

hold her hands tightly and never let her go....

hug her and warm her body with yours...

go all out to protect her...

kiss her on the cheek....

kiss her and tell her "I love you"...

When she kisses you back, she really loves you more than you can think...

So, tell her "I always love you, and I always will"...

Treasure her like an angel, because she is really the angel in your life...

Never forget to fulfill what you have promised to her....

because love is a lifelong promise...

Once you have found her, love her with all your heart and soul and care for her for the rest of your life.

And I will do exactly that, or perhaps more than that.



PS :

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