Thursday 27 November 2008

Thinking of a better world

i find myself in love with something lately.....
i am in love with........ MUSIC.

Especially JAY CHOU'S MUSIC.

In the past, when you ask me who is my idol, i would say i myself am my own idol. But now, maybe it's sill the same, i am not sure. One thing i am sure is that i would say jay chou is my favourite singer.

Actually, listening to music is very relaxing. It can usually provoke certain feelings in us, depending on what kind of music we are listening to. And i am having this feeling now, because i have been listening to the following song, by jay chou.

Try this song if you are free. It's quite nice.

I was thinking of a question just now, "How to make this world a better place to live in?"

Better place does not refer only to peace and no war in each corner of the world. For me, it actually means more than that. A better place should be able to provide its people with happiness and joy. Peace alone does not guarantee joy.

It's not easy to create joyful atmosphere, and a better place for every single soul living on earth. Some say, war for peace, and tears for joy. We might need to put up a fight or struggle before we manage to make this world a better place. Years and years have passed, yet, is our world good enough to live in? Have we witnessed the beauty of this world? Have we created peace after all the wars that took place?

In fact, we don't really need wars and tears for peace and joy.

It's not that difficult to create peace and joy.

It's not a mission impossible.

All that is needed is our own self.

If we are sincere in making peace, we will see peace.

If we really want to have joy, we will not make our life miserable with all those worries.

Since happiness is abstract, it is usually a state of our mind. If we are optimistic enough, we will be happier. So, try to see possibilities out of impossibilities, opportunities out of adversities and inspiration out of every challenging situation, You will eventually create miracles out of obstacles.

This is exactly what we should do to lead a positive life. Be sunshine and fill your day with sunshine. Life is here to enjoy.

Speaking of peace, it's not that difficult to make peace without war. But it's not easy to create true peace, because true peace goes beyond a world without war. It's a world where everyone smiles genuinely to each other without any rivalry inside.

If we do wanna see real peace, we should put our heart and soul to work out the problems among us. Many problems can be solved without the slightest violence, or even without argument. It's just that we are often too irrational to see that truth. Humans are one of the extremely few species capable of heart-to-heart communication. Yet, why do we purposely lose this unique God-given ability by putting up a 'character mask' when we face our friends? Why do we need to fake ourselves when we communicate with each other?

Have we forgotten sincerity and honesty?


Living in a better world is many people's dream. But only a few have started working on it.

We definitely do not hope to see a beautiful world only in fantasy, a better world only in our dreams. A cluster of people have been perspiring to make this world more beautiful. Let's believe that their perspiration will be worthwhile at last.

But please, do not just believe without trying to achieve.

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