Sunday, 27 December 2009

跳出去 ● SECRET

最近跟家人去Brem mall看了一部电影,《跳出去》。


一部有关梦想的戏,看时还蛮激励人心的 (但那还得看是对谁,感情丰富的人或许还会看出泪来呢。)

“梦想并不容易实现, 要放弃梦想很容易,但只要坚持和相信,没什么事情是做不到的。” 












Friday, 18 December 2009

Always hear people say 'Happiness spreads'. But perhaps, sadness spreads even faster...

A friend 'sensed' my sadness online. Cant believe it's true.

It is a mistake I have been committing every now and then. It seems like I haven't learnt from past mistakes. Perhaps, sub-consciously, I don't reckon it as a mistake. So I haven't change. And I have yet to know I will change, or not.

I think the so-called mistake is a bit exaggerated by certain quarters. But what to do, I have to follow. I do think it's no very big deal.

It does happen to us occasionally, just don't make it a frequent happening. (just ignore this line, you probably can't get it)

I was labelled 'xxxxxx'. Called 'xxxxxx'.

And it does make my heart ache.

Anyway, I will consider again. Ponder on my so-called mistake. Perhaps, change a bit.

Still in a bewildering mode.

And that's why I blog. Coz blogging is a very good outlet to express your feelings.

Bad mood go away!

I guess it will heal very fast.

PS: Pls don't think you are the one mentioned in this blog post. Coz the people involved doesn't even know my blog. Ganbatte!!

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Graduating from KB for the 2nd time

This is the second time I graduated from SMK Kepong Baru.

During graduation day, I cried.

Mr Ong said before, "The constants in life change."  And our Form 6 representative during graduation day, Jonathan, quoted him. He's right. Things change. And I hope it's for the better. What Jon said touched me, I guess. But I do hope the friendship that has lasted so long remains.

I hope in future, we still talk, joke, play and get together as one like we used to do in these 2 years.

I made my last MUET presentation about Love of God and friendship. I remember saying this in the presentation: Mr Tiong (our MUET teacher) said there's no absolute truth on earth. But he is partly right. There's no absolute truth except in the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

No doubt, I think friendship made in Form 6 is very great. We experienced things together. We helped each other during the climb uphill in Bukit Larut, and overcame our scare together. We believed in hopes together in times of despair and eventually we saw lights in the dark. We did overcome obstacles after obstacles together.

I ain't sure why but I do have many feelings for Form 6. I did feel reluctant having to part with a big group of friends, not only friends of 6A1, but also others including juniors, teachers and every one I know in KB.

During the day before graduation, the 6A1 students didn't have the mood to study. We chatted about weddings and wrote our email address and contact number on the board. We promised to keep in touch with each other. Please remember the promise, my friends.

We said we will give RM 500 as angpau for the first who gets married. Hopefully I won't break this promise, because being able to give an angpau of RM500 means you are rich! Or perhaps, I am the one receiving angpaus of RM500.

More importantly, we said we will invite our classmates for our wedding. Do remember this promise too!

We may not meet each other every day, like we used to. But this doesn't mean the friendship is fading away. It's not seeing friends that matters in keeping friendship alive, it's remembering friends in our heart that counts.

Sign up for facebook and join the group "SMK KEPONG BARU 2009 Graduating Class, 6A1"! 

Keep In Touch!

A whole new chapter

STPM is finally over. And I have been going online these few days. Right on the day STPM becomes a past, I signed up for Facebook. Guess what, within two days or so, I already have more than 160 friends. hahaha... fast and efficient ma...

The day we finished our exam, we went for karaoke session at Low Yat. Wow, I think it's the first time I could really hear my voice in the midst of voices. Previously, my singing was usually covered by the 'more dominant' high-pitched voice. I think some of you know who I mean. lol. Well, I guess we made the right choice singing in another room.

I came across a very nice song during the karaoke session. In fact I think I have listened to it without knowing the title. It's "Truly, Madly, Deeply". A very sentimental, romantic song which can even be played in wedding dinner. I think Sin Yee loves this song very much. She purposely 'jumped' the song to the first in the song list so that she could sing it before going back. Can't believe she loves to sing that song so much. Thought she's only in love with Ethan. haha....

Before exam's over, I watched a Taiwanese drama (仙剑奇侠传). During the last episode, I somehow had got mixed feelings. I was thinking that every story has an ending. And life is actually a combination of different stories at different stages. Now that STPM is done, life in Form 6 becomes a history in my life.

A whole new chapter of life has now unfolded.

And I will strive my best, be a better person and accomplish my dreams in this new chapter!

Old dramas can be broadcast again upon popular demand. But stories in life doesn't probably happen again. It's highly unlikely that the class of 6A1 can be together studying Form 6 again in SMKB.However, all the moments in life can be savoured over and over again. It just depends on you.

It's the stories in SMKB that has ended, but absolutely not our friendship. 

PS: Please see the next post. It's a continuation.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Just Do It

Never doubt the future.


the future is yours.

Dare to dream. Go for it!

Like Nike tagline >> Just do it.

Nothing is impossible. Impossible = I'm possible


Realising big big dreams in a small small world.
A dream-come-true moment.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Updates about me

Finally, I update my blog... lol

Now that trial is done, STPM is coming in two months' time.

I can devote all my attention on studies now, since I have retired both officially and unofficially from my positions in different societies and clubs.

A few words to juniors: Be a responsible person. Learn from past mistakes and be confident. Ganbatte!

Our school celebrated "Bulan Kemerdekaan" on Thursday.

Now, the word "One Malaysia" is often heard. Advertisement about it has been seen very often. It is also the theme of the celebration in our school. A drama is performed by the Form 4 students, reminding us to stay united.

Well, I think what matters more is the actions taken. Unity is not achieved by words, but by actions. There is always truth behind the saying "Action speaks louder than words".

PS: Forget to mention, I am on holiday now.
Jia you!!

Some thoughts about life

I just had my STPM trial exam over last week. Should I yell out loud happily? hmm... I guess not so soon. It's just a trial exam. The actual one has yet to come!

You may think life after STPM is definitely a great one, with a whole lot of bliss and joy in store. You are probably right, precisely, half-right. That kind of life doesn't last long, for you have other challenges to get through. Obstacles after obstacles never fail to invade. When one thinks that he has gone through every hurdles and curdles and conquered the peak in life, another greater-than-ever stumbling block might just crop up.

This is life.

It may be described as a continual battle till the end. Indeed.

Some people think that infancy is the only anxiety-free stage of life. We do face a lot of problems as we proceed in life. Being a student, we may encounter problems in studies, relationship and "the special kind of relationship". After we step into the working world, we may land on financial problems. And it goes on.

In short, problems do unfold in life. It's not that you cannot work out those problems. But when there are a number of difficulties at the same time, we need to consider the complications that may arise due to our action. hmm... This may sound puzzling and philosophical. You will understand it when you are in the similar situation.

At times, I wonder, are humans born to suffer? Perhaps, it's me who thinks too much.

Maybe we do have an inner element that responds to some sort of sentimental and philosophical stuff, thereby producing some kind of inner voice that makes us reflect on things in a sentimental way. Yupe, I suppose this 'inner element' is prevalent in me. haha....

However, sometimes we do add additional problems to life when we think too much about the future. Some people like to predict the implications of their action. It's good to do so, but to an extent.

Whether or not you think life is filled with sufferings, pain and problems, never think that we are enduring the pain.

Everything changes when the mindset changes. If you think you are struggling, then you would really be suffering.

Perhaps, we should see life the way optimists see. Never endure the pain, but enjoy the so-called sufferings in life.

Here's a saying of my own: Life is difficult, yet enjoyable. Never struggle through obstacles in life, smile!

Friday, 31 July 2009


最近好像有些不开心的事发生在我周围。 一些朋友曾几何时的笑脸,渐渐被副忧愁的“苦瓜脸”替代。

看来他们又瞒多的问题缠身吧! 唉。。。 叹气的原因不是因为问题的出现,而是为何许多人面对问题的时候往往都会以悲观的角度看待?

我不是什么开心果,我当然也有伤心的时候。 心情不好,垂头丧气,精神萎靡,种种悲伤的症状,我全都试过。 话说回来,我其实还颇容易感伤的咯。 人有时真的很难避免不去乱乱想。 看见某些情景,可能负面的想法就油然而生。

面对问题时感到烦恼,这非常正常。 或许,这是人生的一部分,人的必经之路。

我记得有个朋友对我们整班同学说过:“面对问题,随它去就好了。” 他说的正好,为何面对问题的同时,要为自己增加完全帮不上忙的“烦恼”呢?

此话易说不易做。 但无论如何,我们是不是该勇于地尝试呢?

开心与不开心,只不过是那一念之差。 开心与否, 大多时候都是掌握在我们的脑中吧!

为人生带来缤纷色彩,抑或灰色地带,是我们的选择。 既然问题是无法避免的,就让我们从多余的烦恼自拔吧!

活着,就要笑,要加油! 活着,就要笑度人生! 加油!

PS: Never struggle through obstacles in life, but smile your way through.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Tennis Final

It happened on Tuesday. Until I realised it, I couldn't imagine how easy it was for me to march on to the boys' double final. We had walk-over for two times and literally, we just beat one duo to get into the tennis final.

I was more than happy of course, since I rarely get into final of sports event. What's more, I am granted at least a silver medal. Yea!! lol!!

But I didn't really hope I would get only silver. I purposely stayed back until around 6.30pm on Wednesday to practise tennis. In fact, I am just so-so at playing tennis.

The day has arrived. Today.

I was full of anticipation and hope that we win.

In the end, we lost.

First, we lost the first set. But soon, we rose up to 2-1. But after that, they won their way and beat us with 2-6.

I had been telling myself not to get nervous and that the opponent duo were more skillful than us. And of course, it's not surprising that they would win. But during the game, I was still gripped by nervousness and did a few mistakes.

Right after the match, my spirit hit rock bottom. Got so down. haiz... I didn't know why I was so. In fact, I shouldn't have felt so bad for I lost to a superior team. I should have expected the loss. And deep down, I did actually.

The moodless state remained with me until I got home. Well, feelings are not easy to control. Being aware of that, we really have to manage our feelings. Not to say that we cannot feel sad for any single moment. But don let that kind of feeling last long. Do something about it like listening to music.

Heal fast!

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Pre-U Council Orientation

Before reading this post, just play this song. It's a nice, relaxing song. Listen to it while you are going through this blog post. lol...

We had our orientation on from 25th to 27th June.

I did not join in the groups playing the games organised. And that's because I was in the organising committee. Yes!! That means I have the best opportunity to play around with the juniors.

Before orientation:

We were busy doing preparations.

This is my hand (shown incompletely...that's obvious...haha) >>

The first day:

Dividing the members into groups. Pn. Sharifah in this >>

We grouped them according to the name of planets. Too bad, all of them were abnormal, since none of them was in the planet Earth. Before I forget, we only had 8 groups. The Earth is too dangerous, but not necessarily you have to return to Mars, for we also had Uranus and Neptune!!! hahaha...

The second day:

We first had "Amazing Race" which was equivalent to treasure hunt in store for the 8 groups.

The mission that every one must go through. From here, they branched out to other different missions.

The physical challenge...

We then had "Station Games". There are 8 stations altogether.

They were passing water. The last person then poured the water into a pail. They must collect a fixed amount of water in order to win.

Blow a balloon with flour inside until it burst!! "Pong!"

Direct the ping pong ball through a flour-filled route.

Catch the water bag!! And that's me jumping up. lol =p

Posing...I like this photo very much. I think (uh hum..I Think) it's nice. This is a display of confidence and perhaps self-love, but certainly not narcissism. By the way, is this camwhoring?

The third day:

Me again... Honestly, I like to take photos, just that I do not have a camera.

Wasei... dragonball gui bo hei gong, haha :P >>

The orientation lasted for only 3 days. Does anyone actually feel that they had not enough fun? haha...

Well, hope you guys enjoyed yourselves during these 3 days.

All pre-u students, let's work hard for a better future!! Ganbatte!!!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Yesterday I watched a movie, "Camp Rock" on TV3. It's quite interesting. More importantly, it's liked by the youngsters, me

Here are some soundtracks used in the movie.

"We Rock"

"This Is Me"

Yea, how's it like listening to these 2 songs? Personally, I like them equally much. The first song is very entertaining and relaxing. Listening to it helps especially when you are in the midst of tremendous pressure and loads of problems. Yea, it's very true. Sometimes, we do need to unwind the tensed up condition of our head. Turn on the music, sing your hearts out and perhaps, shake your body and dance along. It surely helps.

The second song is truly inspiring. It kinda boosts up self esteem listening to it. Well, as suggested by the song lyrics, reflect on ourselves, look for the vast pools of potentials inside us and develop them. Some people are good in sports, others might have a great business or scientific mind. We just gotta find the place where we belong. Then only we can soar our way up beyond the limits in our own arena. Ganbatte!

Thursday, 28 May 2009

2009 Teacher's Day

Today is our Teacher's Day celebration at school level. It's held earlier this year.

Initially, i thought the performances were not going to be interesting, considering the little time allocated for the preparations.

Well, I must say I am wrong. The students put up quite some hilarious and nice shows.

There were a performance from the chinese orchestra group of our school, a hip-hop dance and a very special, unique dance that displayed a combination of Indian and hip-hop cultures. haha... This dance really made the crowd burst into laughter.

Too bad, I did not record it.

Well, this is the last year i celebrate Teacher's Day in our school. i somehow felt touched actually. In the middle of the event, my mind went wandering to the moment of our coming graduation day end of this year. During the Graduation Day in Form 5, i did feel sad about leaving the school and a group of friends. Now that i stay on for an additional two years, i think my heart had grown fonder of the environment and some teachers here and i will feel even more reluctant having to leave this school. i did disagree with some of the systems implemented, but i still love this my school after all. Just like how we still love our parents after all their naggings and blames on us.

After the rather grand celebration in the school hall, our class also prepared a special celebration for our teachers. For documentation purpose, they are Pn Hong (Maths), Pn Suraini(P.A.), Pn. Vijaya(Chem) Pn. Zahariah(Bio), Mr. Tay(P.A.) and Mr. Tiong(MUET). Delight is clearly written all over their faces when we wished them happy teacher's day and proceeded with the cake-cutting session. A porcelain cup is our gift to each of them.

Well, I really expressed my gratitude to them, from the very bottom of my heart. They are truly good teachers. Some of them even go the extra miles and educate us to be a better person. I don't attend tuition at all in Form 6, except for P.A. --- i have no implied meaning, don't get me wrong! lol

Speaking of teaching, I have a perception about the teaching profession. This thought struck me while listening to Pn. Wong speech today. A teacher's job is not to teach, but to educate. There are differences between teaching and educating. Teaching simply means disseminating the technical information according to the syllabus set. But educating means more than that. It encompasses the responsibility to show students the right ways in life and guide them to becoming better men in future. Teachers should always inculcate positive values and habits in students, like moving on in adversity and thinking out of the box.

To those pursuing a teacher's career, remember to always educate your students. Motivate your students. Mould them into better men. They are the ones going to lead the world. Held in them are the chance and hope to see a better world in the future!

There will be no future without teachers. We are nothing without them. Teachers are great, but they just do it in silence. They educate us, shape us, and equip us with a pair of invisible wings together with the ability to fly. All they ask for in return is to see us soaring high and beyond the sky. Our teachers might not remember us, but we should appreciate them for what they have done for us and always remember them. No matter how high we fly, make landing once in a while to pay them a visit. Just like what we should do to our parents.

PS: Thank you teachers. Happy Teacher's Day! The best gift to a teacher: Still remembering them and saying thank you to them after 10 years when we have achieved great heights in life. I will do that!

*Here's a good song you may have listened to before. Just to feed your soul. Jia you!

Saturday, 18 April 2009

These few weeks had been so hectic for me. Practically every day, I go home only after 4pm. I kind of regret involving myself in the committee members of several clubs last year. And that actually eats part of my revision time. Well, right or wrong, it's my choice. I have to take 100% responsibility on it. I will try my best to manage my time well, grab hold of every seconds and utilise time to the maximum. One important thing is to cut down on the time spent to go online.

And this also means I might blog less frequently. Anyway, if an overwhelming feeling and inspiration come flooding into my mind, most probably I will head straight to my computer and blog.

From a motivational book I ever read, I learn to take full accountability and responsibility on our decisions in life. At junctures in life, we might make a wrong choice. But that's the road taken. Instead of grumbling about the hurdles and curdles along the way, we should learn to terms with the fact: We make the wrong move. We should go on and never give up. In fact, it's the thorns and prickles that make us tougher.

Embrace the difficulties and enjoy the process of overcoming them. Enjoy what we have got. Change what seems as an adversity into an opportunity that makes us a better man.

I have-via the e-mail-come across a sentence that sounds something like this:

Coffee powder, in hot water, melts and gives nice aroma. The coffee powder has totally changed the difficult environment it's in.

In face of difficulties, some people frown and cease trying after several failures. Some get very tough, but they end up smiles-deprived. They manage to work out many problems but are not really happy about all those obstacles in life. Then we have the third type of people who behave like the coffee powder. They take the challenge happily and enjoy life's stumbling blocks. They eventually come out as the winner, filled with the satisfaction and joy of overcoming problems.

It's not easy to be the third type of people, but we can do it. Change our perception and believe in ourselves.

Changing the face changes nothing, but facing the change changes everything.

See things from the bright side. An optimistic outlook of life shows happiness and unfolds the stairways to the heavenly destination. So , start seeing the world with a whole new 'eye'.

Today at a ceremony, I saw many high-achievers that really shine. This year, we have two recipients for the Anugerah Mutiara. Once, I had a thought of coming up with a real breakthrough in physics and get recognised as the most intelligent person on earth. Even more intelligent than the one and only Albert Einstein. Looking back, now only I see how naive I was once. The world is full of highly-intelligent people. We have so many child prodigies, for instance in music or Maths. How are we to judge who is more intelligent? Different individuals actually have different aspects of intelligence, as suggested by the research on "Multiple Intelligence". Well, Albert Einstein might be the cream of the crop in the Physics world. But we might be far better than him in other areas. Well, if so then who is more intelligent?

There are billions of talents out there. And even more is to come. Only at today's ceremony, there are already so many top-scorers present. How are we to be better than the rest of the world in each and every area? Perhaps, the right thing to do is to get better than what we were yesterday. And I now see it this way, I suppose. But my dream to do research and make breakthroughs never fades. I still want to create medical breakthroughs to help those suffering from illness or health conditions. Wow! I admit I am ambitious, but anything is possible.

I have my dreams. And I will work towards accomplishing these dreams.

PS: Find your way! Dream and make the dreams come true.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Happenings ... Education

It has been a real long time since I last blogged. *sorry*

I have been very busy these days. And the more important reason is that I don't have the mood to blog. Every time I blog, I usually sit in front of the computer, organise my thoughts and take quite some time to come up with a blog post. My intention is to make my blog as inspiring as possible. Well, maybe that takes away some fun of blogging. And I guess I have to change, at least to a small extent.

There were quite many happenings this two months. I was in charge of several activities in school. And indeed, I learnt a lot. I have changed in a way, perhaps. I start to use a different perception to view things.

We had our LPS orientation earlier on during the holiday in March. I have to admit that we kind of did last-minute work, as many of us were busy practising marching for sports day. We were about to change the date of orientation as many people apparently could not come for the event. But in the end, we went on with the set date and luckily, the orientation turned out quite successful. I was one of the emcees for that whole day. Well, I think I did quite well taking into account the fact that it was my first time being an emcee.

A big thanks to all AJKs for making the LPS orientation so successful. If not for all your hard work, we would not have achieved such success.

A recent remark from a friend of mine made me do a self-reflection. Does my life revolve only around my world? Do I give important consideration to the souls around me? Have I been overly self-centered? Well, I was stunned at a moment. Have I been belittling the importance of others? There are no absolutely correct answers to these questions, as different individuals set different definition for 'self-centered' But a thing we, as the species with emotions and the highest intelligence quotient, must take note is to do things with the heart and souls. Perhaps we are not so great that we put people's priorities over ours, but never ignore others' presence in our life. Perhaps, I do need to learn how to treasure others. But at the same time, be prepared to deal with some rascals who just take advantage of our kindness.

Well, it's a remark that hit the very bottom of my soul. A remark that made me so thoughtful. A word can change one's life. So, look out for the word that will change yours.

Lately, our school has implemented quite a lot of changes. We will soon have lecture-based teaching method for the sixth formers. In other words, we are going to be the guinea pigs. Our school has also been nominated in several niches in our effort to transform KB to a cluster school, some sort of 'sekolah cemerlang'. For the sake of getting the prestige, many clubs and societies are required to take care of a small portion of land in the school. Different clubs have to plant different things there.

During an assembly weeks ago, I actually heard something that made me ponder on our education system. *WARNING: LONG ESSAY AHEAD*....(haha, I will write as long as I feel I want to... but pls read the following as it's relevant to you as a student.)

We are constantly reminded to behave well and go abide by the school's rules and regulations. But why? What is the purpose of the school telling us to line up properly and quietly during assembly? What is the school's aim asking us to greet the outsiders, especially the officers from the Department? Not enough with being disciplined, we are taught to work hard and perform in exams. Some teachers always remind us to get prepared for PMR, SPM and STPM in order to score excellently.

Now, the questions are: are we reminded to do all these for the sake of ourselves? Or are we maintaining good discipline in order to keep the school's image good? Are we told to excel in exams for the sake of improving our school's ranking? Which is the first thing that comes to the mind of these educators? Excellent results leading to bright future of the students? Or the high number of students getting straight A's leading the school to be the prestigious 'sekolah cemerlang'?

Instead of asking us to excel in exams, they should tell us to perform well in our studies. For quite a few times during the assembly, teachers mentioned about 'sekolah cemerlang'. And we are all too familiar with the word magnet school. It has always occurred to me that the real purpose of education is to make one a better man. I always think that prestige of the school is just a by-product of the school's and teachers' dedicated, combined effort to educate the students, with the primary intention of moulding the students into better men, and paving bright futures ahead for the students. But have the intention and objectives of education changed? What has become of our education system?

This is a crucial flaw that we must overcome in order to see revamp in the system. Well, enough said. Whether we like it or not, we have to bear with the system for the time being. But do believe that it will be a better day ahead. Have faith. Let the power of our belief spread to others and influence them. Let power of our faith attract the positive changes we hope to see and lead us to the heavenly destination. Believe!

Friday, 30 January 2009

This while, I get interested in playing with words and coming up with some meaningful sentences. I usually put those sentences as my MSN display message. Anyway, those messages are quite meaningful and thought-provoking, hopefully it may inspire you.

Every one of us dreams of possessing this thing called 'happiness'. Some think they can only be happy after they get to the peak, others enjoy the process and get happy through the journey. Well, let's see....

If happiness could be formulated, I want to be the one to discover the formula. But we all know it very well that this formula cannot be devised. It varies from one to another.

In fact, the formula to being happy has long existed, yet is hidden in our heart.

We ourselves are the formula.

It's not that tough to be happy and stay happy.


Open up your heart and look around. Happiness is always in the air, if we feel it with all our heart and soul.

A chipped glass does not seem to be chipped if we look at it from another angle.

Just change our perception, and we will see before us a whole new world.

No matter how happy or sorrow we feel, life remains there to live. So, why not live life happily? Take on whatever challenge there is in life with a smile from the bottom of our heart, and we will smile and shine through adversity.

寻寻觅觅,兜兜转转,其实幸福就在眼前。 做人癫一癫,笑一笑,幸福快乐永远围绕你。

与其苦着脸过生活, 不如笑度人生吧!

While you are reading the following, do listen to this song.

很多人都在期待现实中出现虚幻的童话。 也有不少人殷勤地希望能看到人间的天堂。 就连歌曲也有唱出对童话跟天堂的盼望。 或许一首歌能惊醒梦中人,抑或激起人们心中的火种。

但也许很多人都忘了,其实童话与天堂一直都在我们心中。 童话不曾放弃我们,只不过是我们遗忘了它。天堂一直跟随我们,只不过是我们把双眼望得太高太远,只看见遥不可及的天堂,心中的天堂却视而不见。

就算世界没有童话,心中的童话从不消逝。 就算世界没有童话,让我们创造童话吧。童话般的现实,不是遥不可及,而是近在眼前。静心体会,就会感觉到心中的童话了。





依然是那句,加油加油! 勇敢地去发掘心中的童话,心中的天堂吧!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

I'm possible

I watched "Barbie and The Diamond Castle" today. I don't really fancy this kind of movie, but after giving myself a chance for the show, I felt the movie was rather meaningful and interesting. Well, you won't know until you try.

Believe in all that can be.

Here's the soundtrack (Title:Believe) for that movie. This song is quite meaningful and motivating.

And these are the lyrics to the song:

Hidden beneath the ground, is a spring that feeds the creek,
Invisible as the wind,
That you feel upon your cheek,
And every breeze that whispers,
Reminds us constantly,
Sometimes what's real is something you can't see...

Believe... in all that can be,
A miracle starts whenever you dream,
Believe, and sing from your heart,
You'll see,
Your song will hold the key...

Waiting behind the clouds,
Is the sky that's always clear,
And chasing away the doubts,
You watch the sun appear,
It's shining to remind you,
As each new day begins,
There's always hope if you just let it in...

Believe... in all that can be,
A miracle starts whenever you dream,
Believe, and sing from your heart,
You'll see,
Your song will hold the key...

You can paint the stars,
You can touch the sky,
Spread your wings and discover you can fly (and sing from high),
You won't know until you try...

Believe... in all that can be,
A miracle starts whenever you dream,
Believe, and sing from your heart,
You'll see,
Your song will hold the key...

Oooh-ooh, believe, and dream what can be,
Ask with your heart,
And you will receive.

Believe, the beauty is yours to see,
Your song will hold the key...


(When you) Believe...


When you believe...

Ohhh, believe...

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will see that I always write about miracles, dreams and believing in ourselves. I suppose this goes well with the theme of my blog, INSPIRING.

But the reason on top of that is because I do believe in miracles.

I believe that I can accomplish my dreams and ambition.

I believe that I can see and find true love.

Some may throw a teasing look or sarcastic remarks, others may pour one whole big pale of cold water. But those things are what I believe in.

"Believe in all that can be, a miracle starts whenever you dream."

Dreams will come true when we believe. Because once we start believing, we will work towards what we believe in.

Nothing is impossible. Because "Impossible" is composed of "I'm possible".

In fact, if it's not happening now, I won't believe that I am blogging on the second day of Chinese New Year. Well, you won't know until you try.

PS: Happy Chinese New Year! 祝大家新年快乐,心想事成!加油加油加油!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Some scribbles....

It's 2009!

My first blog post in this new year....

Well, it's very true that a piece of good work needs inspirations. I guess it's the same with blogging. I was actually looking for the feelings of blogging and some inspirations before I started writing this post.

One of my ways to search for thought-provoking ideas is by listening to music. These days, I listen to music quite always. Perhaps, without me knowing it, music has become a part of my life.

Now, I don't listen only to Jay Chou's songs, but I start varying the music that I enjoy. These are the few songs I like:

走火入魔 by 阿信, 叮当

Inside Your Heaven by Carrie Underwood

Try listening to the second song. A nice one.

I always feel soothed and relaxed when listening to these songs. The feeling is like my heart and soul being touched and gripped by a sense of calmness and serenity. Sometimes, a tinge of sadness mingles in the heart too.

When I feel unhappy, those songs can heal, or hurt me even more deeply. Yet, I always go on listening to those songs, without any good reasons to do so. People say all our emotions and feelings are governed by the actions of chemicals like hormones and neurotransmitters in our body. That's absolutely true. However, do you want to control our emotions artificially using chemical injections? Do we want to stop the natural control of our feelings. If we use chemical to control everything from our illnesses to even our feelings and intelligence, is there any difference then, between humans and robots, except that we are made of real flesh while they are created from metals? Or should we label ourselves as robotic humans? Science has got explanations and theories for thousands and thousands of things. But these theories are not necessary to put to practice.

Theories are not discovered to be misused. Inventions are not created to be abused. Just like the case of discovering radioactivity. People misuse it in atomic and nuclear bomb. Is this the things and effects we want to see from the advancement of technology? Is this the way things should be? What has become of the world we are living in? The environment is bad, the people are not as good as the previous generations are.

We don't have the power to turn back clock, but we can always make a U-turn and head back to the right tracks in life. You can get diverted from the mainstream, but don't get off what you think is right in your heart and soul.

Well, I am sorry to have written so many things. These come out from a sudden thought of mine. Perhaps, this is the good thing about blogging. You can 'type' your thought freely.

Upper 6 life is getting busier. I had been very much on the go weeks ago finishing our group assignment. That's the first time I truly felt the hectic life in Form 6. It's like facing waves of tsunami that time. I stayed up till 1.30am in my friend's house to complete the assignment. I fell sick and still attended school, because I didn't want to miss classes. I joked to keep my spirits up, talked nonsense so as to alleviate the uncomfortable feelings, and laughed to get rid of sleepiness. Yet, some said I have taken steroids. Well, I have got no comment on that.

Be life-confident. That's what our MUET teacher told us. Be confident in what we undertake. No doubt, confidence is the element that we need in order to bring the best out of us. To build confidence, first feel confident, and think of being confident. This brings us to the law of attraction. If you think you can, you are generating a frequency saying 'I CAN' to the cosmic universe. The frequency is then amplified and transmitted back to you. And you will manage to do what you wanna do.

Though life is hectic now, this is the opportunity for me to learn and pick up skills. It's the time to train my endurance, sharpen my abilities and polish my skills. It's a challenge to embrace. A challenge to take. And I would say, "Let's get down to it. Bring it on!" I will come through this challenge, be a better man, hold my head high and realise my dreams.

Because I believe, I achieve!

PS: Be life-confident! Be the only one! Just do it!